City Charter establishes a five member Parks & Recreation Commission. Of the five members, three are appointed by the Mayor with confirmation from City Council and two are appointed by the Barberton Board of Education with confirmation from City Council. In turn, City Charter calls for the Parks & Recreation Commission to appoint a Director of Parks & Recreation and, if necessary, an Assistant Director. The Parks Administration budget title refers to the part of the operating budget necessary for the Director and Assistant Director to manage the operations of the Parks & Recreation Department. According to City Charter, the Director of Parks & Recreation is responsible for controlling, equipping, and managing parks, playgrounds, play fields, gymnasiums, swimming pools, indoor recreation centers and any lands or buildings owned or used by the City for park or recreation purposes.
The Parks Recreation Programs represents a General Fund budgetary classification used to account for wages and other expenditures incurred in providing recreational opportunities to the citizens and visitors of Barberton. The Parks & Recreation Department provides a wide range of recreational activities including adult and youth sports leagues, special programs and features (summer fireworks), as well as, performing creative arts activities (band concerts at Lake Anna and Lake Anna Arts & Crafts Festival). All wages and benefits accounted for in the Parks & Recreation Programs budget are for part-time/seasonal employees.