Our Mission:
Tie together the the Villages at Mt. Hood , Brightwood to Government Camp and the Mt Hood and regional recreation resources, with family walking, biking, hiking, and equestrian community trails and recreation resources to improve quality of life and enhance the economic development of the area
Our Goal:
Identify, document, enhance, and connect a robust, complete, safe, family friendly trails and tying into and enhancing recreational and regional trails, parks, and recreation resources
Our Plan:
Phase I: Identify and document
the existing neighborhood and recreation trails to create an inventory or
"what's there" and "what's needed"
=> a draft of the inventory and project list is in review!
Phase II: connect and improve
=> create a 15 year Trails Master Plan
in collaboration with the community to guide work on enhancing
and connecting the trails and recreation opportunities
from Brightwood to Government Camp and the region,
then "do it"
Phase III: maintain and grow
maintain the trails and further tie them into the recreation opportunities