History :
For many years there was only one church in Bay, a Methodist Church attended by a circuit riding preacher. About the turn of this century, The First Methodist Episcopal Church (as Bay Methodist used to be called) secured the services of its first full—time pastor (Henry B. Sehnert). Near the end of his pastorate, the Cahoon sisters, wanting a church more easily accessible to those living in the east end of Bay Village offered to donate land near the center of the village, if a new church could be built upon it. However, too many people objected, especially members living in the western end of Bay and in Avon. It was also discovered that the deed of the property where they were currently housed would revert to the original owner if the church abandoned the property. So, a new brick church was built on the original site at the corner of Bassett and Lake Roads.
Mission :
To Honor and Serve Jesus Christ the Living Lord
By Calling People to a Commitment :
- To Christ
- To The Body of Christ
- To The Work Of Christ In The World
Vision :
We Are and We Are Seeking to Become, More Fully and Faithfully, an Inviting Church:
Centered On Christ
Obedient to Christ Through The Scriptures
Nurtured, Discipled, and Equipped for Ministry and Mission in Small Groups
Gathered in Worship Scattered in Service and Witness
Sharing in a Mission That is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, Our Community, Our City, Our Nation, and the World for All Eternity