Mission :
The mission of the Bedford United Methodist Church is to make Jesus Christ known, loved, followed, and served.
There is an expectation that all members, and those who consider themselves a part of the family of faith at Bedford United Methodist Church, will engage in regular, corporateworship. The writer of Hebrews states that we must not; “…neglect our meeting together,as some people do, but encourage one another…” The corporate worship experiencesoffered at BUMC are designed to bring honor and glory to God as well as to teach,encourage and challenge those who would follow and serve His Son, Jesus Christ.In addition to corporate worship, it is both a desire and expectation that all members of thefamily of faith at BUMC will commit themselves to spiritual growth through participation inat least one group that meets outside of the traditional worship setting. These “smallgroups” are designed for the purpose of developing a deeper and more mature faith andthe leadership at BUMC considers these groups a vital aspect of our personal relationshipwith God and His Son, Jesus.Another essential component to our Christian faith is the stewardship of our time, talentsand finances. All those who call BUMC their church home are expected to engage inmission and ministry, which we define as sharing the love of Christ with others in wordsand action. BUMC strives to serve the community and reach out to those who are hurting,marginalized and rejected by the world. As Christians, we are also called to proportionalgiving of our finances. We encourage our church family to be generous toward those whoare less fortunate and to give to Christ and His Church joyfully and not under compulsion. These principles establish the standard that we strive to reach as the Body of Christ andwe are unashamed of our pursuit of such a standard. The servant leadership, both staff and laity, of BUMC is expected to model these principles so as to serve as a positiveexample for the entire family of faith.