Beechwoods Presbyterian Church was effected December 3, 1832, in the house of Matthew Keys, with fourteen members, A Sabbath-school, consisting of two teachers and a dozen scholars, had been held from house to house in the neighborhood for several years previous; almost as soon , in fact, as the first settlement was made, which was not till 1823. These early settlers had not long been in the community until they were discovered by the faithful undershepherd, Father McGarrough , and another devoted servant of God, the Rev. Cyrus Riggs, at that time pastor of the Scubgrass church, in Butler county. These brethren, it seems, preached several times during the five or six years preceding the organization in the neighborhood, and they, along with ruling elders J. Wilson, Thomas Lucas, and W. Rodgers, of Bethel Church, constituted the committee of organization. The great majority of the members have been natives of Ireland, or the descendants of such, and a good, honest, willing, and warm-hearted people they are. The church was become self-supporting, and is well organized and equipped for church work. Its Ladies' Missionary Society is abundant in labors.
Their present house of worship [1888] and the first one built by the congregation, was erected in 1841.