History :
The International Association of Lions Club of Bellville, Georgia was chartered by the International Association of Lions Clubs on 26 May 1984. The charter lists 21 Lions. The charter was witnessed by the signatures of Lion Eugene Linday, International Staff Representative and Lion Thomas Williams, District Governor, 18B.
The Bellville Lions Club was sponsored by the Cobbtown Lions. The charter president was Lion William Pryor who continues to be an active member of the club.
The club is organized in accordance with guidelines from Lions International. It meets on the third Monday of each month at the Bellville United Methodist Church Social Hall in Bellville, Georgia at 7:30 pm. Women were admitted to the club on 20 July 1987. The club has 20 Melvin Jones Fellowship recipients.
The Bellville Lions Club has always helped those in need of Bellville and Evans County with eye exams and glasses with children and elderly getting top priority. The club also supports the Georgia Lighthouse, The Georgia Camp for the Blind, White Cane, Leader Dog, Georgia Unit for the Blind and Dyslexic, LCIF, and The Georgia Lions All State Band.
To raise money for projects, the club has tried many activities including Sausage Suppers, BBQ Chicken Dinners, October Ogeechee Fair and various other fund raising activities. These activities allow the club to raise enough money to meet it's charitable obligations.
The club also actively supports the Special Olympics, C.A.R.E.S, The Head Start Program and the Farm City Breakfast