Berwick Area United Way is a community based, fund raising organization which supports 14 community service agencies in the Berwick area, including Berwick Public Library, Berwick YMCA, Beyond Violence, Central Susquehanna Sight Services, Mental Health Association, American Red Cross, Salvation Army, Big Brothers/BigSisters, Columbia Child Develpment Program, The Children's Museum, Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania, Columbia County Children and Youth Advisory Council, Columbia/Montour Boy Scout Council, Women's Center and Camp Victory.
What we raise here, stays here. Only 13% of the funds raised are used for administrative expenses. Everything else goes back into the community.
The funds raised are distributed by the volunteers who review funding applications and make allocations. Volunteers for Berwick Area United Way also do a weekly soup kitchen at Salvation Army, an annual Day of Caring in April, Letter Carrier's Food Drive in May, run the Press Enterprise volunteer Column, provide emergency grants, give Youth Volunteerism Awards and have a Special Program Grant fund for new non-profit programs.
Resukts you can see. . . . what matters.