Our Community of Faith
- We are a congregation of the 5-million member
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - Centered in Christ and anchored in the Holy Bible Celebrating ecumenical relationships with other denominations Reaching out in word and deed, with God's love, to meet human needs.
- We invite you to visit us for worship, education, fellowship -
Whether on special occasions or regularly Whether out of curiosity or commitment Whether you are a "dyed-in-the-wool Lutheran" or a seeker.
- We invite you to call on us (708-788-3727) for special needs -
Pastoral visitation at home, hospital, or elsewhere Discussion of personal and spiritual matters Marriages, baptisms, funerals.
- We invite you to take a journey of faith with us - Discovering God's will through Bible study and prayer Seeking to obey God and honor our neighbors Living in the diverse, wonderful family of God
- We invite you to join us -
To worship, study and fellowship with us whenever possible To become full participating members of the congregation Or to be associate members (with no obligation to join).
We Gather and Go out in God's Name
- We gather in the name of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - Tocelebrate the creative power and love of God To rejoice in our salvation through Jesus Christ To discern the guiding of the Holy Spirit in our time.
- We go out into our community to serve in the name of Jesus Christ - To make disciples of all nations That we may share God's Good News with others That others may experience Christ's love, justice and peace.