It was in the city of Bethany that the crucified and risen Jesus ascended leaving his disciples with this command, "Go and make disciples... baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit." (Matthew 28:19)
In this congregation named Bethany Lutheran Church, we believe that that same Jesus was crucified to pay for the guilt of our sins, rose to destroy the grave's power over our lives, ascended to promise and prepare a place for us in heaven, and still commands us to go and make disciples through the gift of baptism and the faithful teaching of His Word.
At Bethany we believe that the Jesus of Scripture is the Jesus of history and that He has a purpose for our lives and a plan for our eternity. That purpose is to enable us to make a difference in the lives of those going to heaven and a dent in the number of those going to hell. Therefore, our preaching and worship, our teaching and fellowship, are built on the foundational belief that the God of eternity who created the universe desires to have a personal relationship with us in Jesus.
As a historic church of the Reformation, we confess that the one and only true God who has revealed himself in Scripture, Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the God of the three ecumenical creeds. These creeds, the Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian have summarized the Christian faith for generations. We also believe that writings of the Reformers,as contained in the Book of Concord, are a clear exposition of God's Word and the faith as described in the creeds.