Bible Baptist Church is a loving, independent, fundamental, fellowship that enjoys a Sunday morning attendance of 250-300 people. Our philosophy of ministry is conservative, and our music is traditional. We love to sing the great hymns of the Faith! However, the main focus of our worship services is expository preaching. Our congregation follows the text in their own open Bibles as we search the Scriptures together. Rather than promoting a denomination, our leadership emphasizes loyalty to the Word of God, both in doctrine and in practice. We regularly help with the financial and prayer support of 40 independent missionaries (Baptist and otherwise). We consider it a privilege to fellowship with many organizations and individuals who share our philosophy of ministry and who not only believe the Bible, but also teach it and defend it. Bible Baptist is not a perfect church, but our people are growing in grace. Our desire is to please and honor the Lord Jesus Christ by submitting to the authority of His written Word.