We, the members of Blessed Trinity Parish, share a common bond as one family by the love given to us through the Mystery of the Blessed Trinity.As the loving Father does, we welcome and support everyone who enters this faith community.As His Son exemplifies, we strive to be a teaching, giving and caring parish ager to serve and give generously of ourselves.As the Holy Spirit inspires and leads us,we are a faithful, prayerful family that worships God through the many ministries with which the Lord has blessed us.
Our history begins with folding chairs, fundraisers, and families who find each other in Frankenmuth, Michigan, a strong German Lutheran community in the Saginaw Valley of mid-Michigan. In 1967, the idea of establishing a Catholic Church in Frankenmuth gained momentum from the hard work and generosity of a small group of Catholics, their strong faith and the hospitality of local leaders. Today Blessed Trinity is a vibrant parish with membership that spans three generations.