The Bolton Fair is a small town, agricultural fair that has been around for over 130 years. In 1874 when the Fair first began, the animal shows and agricultural exhibits were the heart of the Fair and still are to this day. There's also great food and entertainment, crafts, commercial exhibits, farmers' market, rides, lots of demonstrations, and a place just for kids. Now, as in the beginning, the Bolton Fair is run entirely by volunteers and typically draws around 30,000 people.
The committee that puts on the Bolton Fair includes more than 100 volunteers who help to run animal shows, set up exhibits, prepare the grounds and maintain equipment, plan and organize exhibits and entertainment, publicize events, arrange parking, take tickets, check in vendors, and clean up when it's all over!
The Bolton Fair, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization operating under the rules and regulations of the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General, Division of Public Charities. Your contribution is tax-deductable to the extent provided by law, less the value of any goods or services received.
Schedule: Friday August 11th, 2023 12:00 PM Continuous All Day: Blacksmith Shop – Craft Village Demos Fiber Exhibit and Quilting Demonstrations Sawmill Demo – Motorsports Arena Wool Fleece Exhibit - Sheep Barn Swine Exhibit- Swine…
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