In 1979, a handful of individuals, attending area SDA churches, decided to start a church in Bonney Lake. The response to such a venture was positive and a solid turnout of additional people opted to join the exciting opportunity.
The group's first task was to create a building fund to purchase land. This was done through car washes, bake sales, and garage sales, among other activities. As the money began to flow in, arrangements were made to rent the Ehli Hill Baptist Church. This would serve as an interim facility, while the building fund continued to grow.
Three acres of suitable land was purchased in 1980 for $32,000 and two years later it was fully paid for! The group of believers was ready to move forward with the building of the church facility itself. Plans were drawn up and in May 1984, the ground-breaking ceremony took place.
Members worked hard to build the church from the ground up and many exciting things happened along the way. God led. Finally, the group enjoyed its first church service in the new building June 3, 1985. In 1992, the church's growth prompted the congregation to add a new 2,800 square foot wing.
In 2009, the church celebrated its 25th anniversary. Today, approximately 100 believers come together each Sabbath to worship Jesus. The current congregation is excited to further Christ's cause and warmly welcomes all who want to come and worship Him.