There was a time that was much less complex, less harried when our Borough was just beginning. As time goes on and residents become more transient, fewer among us know of the early days in Bradford Woods. It was with this in mind that I felt some of the memories and pictures should be compiled in a booklet, albeit brief. I do hope that some of the community spirit and happy times experienced in those early years will be sensed by today's readers.
The reasons people came are not far removed from the reasons others settle here today. They came for the beauty of the area or the small town atmosphere or for freedom for children and pets or tranquility or retreat. True, there have been changes over the years. There is no livestock in Bradford Woods now, but there are farms in the area. New homes have been built, but the original homes have been updated. The schoolhouse is no longer the focal point of the community, but the fire hall is the meeting place for such activities as Couples' Club and the local government. Where once there were fields, there are now groves of trees; where there were groves, there are now taller and more stately trees. The Behrhorst property once the summer home for two families and the setting for picnics and field trips now is the residence for some 130 families and where once there was one pond, there are now two. But there is still the same beauty and peace it is still a good place to raise children and, as in the past, there is still a neighborliness and a reaching out to help.
After reading of these early days, perhaps in the still of a summer evening you will hear the faint sounds of singing from the pavilion at Herberts or of dance music from the grove near Scotts' or the lowing of the cows down at Parkers or the crack of a bat on the ball field back of the schoolhouse or the laughter of young people on a hayride or the whistle of the Harmony car as it pulls into the station or the ringing of horseshoes behind Morgan's Store or the whinnying of horses at Zortman's barn or the hum of conversation coming from the Crawfords' verandah."