As early as 1773 there were Baptists in Kingston Township who were served by the Reverend Mr. Gray (not to be confused with the Rev. Andrew Gray of Hanover). In 1787 the Reverends Benedict Finn and Gray formed a congregation in Plymouth. Among their converts at this time were Joel and Jonah Rogers who also became preachers. Their sister Hannah was the wife of Griffin Lewis, who, too became a preacher and was associated with the Rogers brothers in the Baptist ministry. These three were instrumental in laying the foundations of Baptist work in Union, Jackson, Lehman and other pads of old Luzerne County. In these achievements the Rev. Jacob Drake, who, together with the Rev. Roswell Goff arrived in the county from New England about 1790, assisted them. In 1779, Jacob Drake, then a Congregationalist lived in Cannan, near the Hudson River. He became a Pedobaptist minister of the "New Light' or "Separate Connection" and adopted Baptist views. With a few of his members he organized a church of Baptist believers. An article of their church covenant was: a church consists of a pastor and teacher, ruling elders and deacons. Great success crowned his labors as he traveled and preached on both sides of the Hudson and in places far remote from each other. Whenever he made disciples he baptized them and gave them fellowship as members of his church. Later, this widely scattered church was divided and there were organized in 1791 some eight distinct churches.
Over several years the church has had different ones as serving as
secretary, such as Rachel Rosencrance, Diane Eveland, Melony Coverly and
Mary Ward.
Pastor Thomas Davis was called to serve as Interim Pastor. He began the
position on December 8, 2002. On March 30, 2003, Pastor Thomas (and
Debbie) Davis was called to serve as our Senior Pastor. He continues to
serve as our Sr. Pastor at this present time. In the last few years,
there has been much work done within the church as well as purchasing
two houses that were demolished and the area is now being used as
parking lots. Also we have replaced the windows, had new carpeting laid
and replaced the pews, along with seeing various missionary outreach
programs and steady growth in the lives of God's people.