About Us :
The church of Christ belongs to Christ. "Of Christ" denotes possession or ownership. It is not a proper name, for no name is given in the New Testament. The church which belongs to the Christ is the one He promised to build.
The church is from the Greek, ekklesia, and when translated is "the called out." Paul states that the one body (Ephesians 4) has as its head, Jesus Christ, and that the body is the church.
There is only one body even as there is only one head, thus one church having one head as final and complete authority. Jesus built His church as the vehicle for saving the lost.
The church is the saved, for those saved are added to the church (Acts 2:47). And thus it should be for Jesus bought (purchased) the church with His own precious blood by the which blood "he washed us from our sins."
Those who are members of the congregation at Bremen are seeking to please God according to His revealed will as it is presented in the Bible.
We trust that the things presented on this site will be of help to you in your study and understanding of the Word of God. We seek no glory for ourselves, but trust God will be glorified through our efforts.