"The Mission of the Buena Park Chamber of Commerce is to advance the Commercial, industrial, professional and civic interests of the Buena Park community and to represent business in city, county, state and national legislation."
We accomplish our mission by:
Creating a Strong Local Economy:
The Buena Park Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to helping local companies grow their businesses.
Promoting the Community:
The Buena Park Chamber of Commerce promotes the community by encouraging businesses to locate here, participates in efforts to improve quality of life and advocates for our community as a great place for people to work, do business and raise a family.
Providing Networking Opportunities:
A variety of settings offers members a forum to promote their products and services.
Representing the Interests of Business with Government:
The Buena Park Chamber of Commerce works with all levels of elected officials to apprise them of the impact of legislation on local businesses and the economy. The Chamber represents member businesses employing over 15,000 employees.