The mission of the Burleson Independent School District, an innovative partnership with parents and community, is to prepare each student to be a responsible, contributing citizen, able to achieve maximum personal potential and embrace change by addressing individual student differences through exemplary curriculum, programs, and staff in a progressive and safe environment.
Beliefs are the shared statements from our school district and community as to their fundamental convictions, values and character. We believe that...
Every person has inherent worth.
Every person is responsible for his or her attitudes and actions.
The family plays a critical role in the development of the individual.
Maximum effort is necessary for anyone to achieve full potential.
Higher expectations produce greater results.
Strong moral character is essential to the success of our community.
Learning is a lifelong venture.
Awareness and understanding of diversity strengthens the community.
Society benefits when individuals contribute to the welfare of others.
Belief in God gives meaning to life.
A safe environment is essential to a sense of well-being and personal growth.
Patriotism is essential to sustain our freedom, and democratic form of government.
The quality of schools in a community is directly related to the quality of life in that community.