C.A.M., Inc.
(478) 967-2990
MISSION STATEMENT: To transform our children/citizens into productive members of our community and society by providing them with the care, educational guidance, resources and programs needed to improve their quality of life.
The City of Marshallville does not provide recreation, physical fitness or afterschool programs for our children. Our senior citizens have to share thier facility with our library, and veteran programs & services are non existant. Many kids and young citiizens want to participate in sports, crafts and other recreational activities but don't have the basic playground/park equiipment, facilities, or finances to do so.
C.A.M. (Community Activist of Marshallville) was created to satisfy the needs of our community via "nonprofit" fundraising and grants. 100% of all funds raised through these campaigns will refurbish local parks, provide transportation, food, lodging and equipment for the kids. Future plans are to provide a recreational facility for indoor activities/events, afterschool programs and veteran services.
The census data for Marshallville Georgia, showing the demographics, population statistics and income statistics, explain the need for recreation and other programs in our city. Marshallville is more than 75.5% Black/African American and more than 45% live at or below the poverty level. From 2000 to 2010 there was a 4.5% decrease in population.
C.A.M.'s purpose and dedication is geared toward transforming the current demographic, population and income statistics in Marshallville by focusing on our children (our future) and improving the quality of life for all citizens. Education, recreation and healthy diets are some of the essential transforming tools that will define Marshallville's future as progressive and bright. Our children, our culture, our elderly and our veterans are very important to us.
Sincere Gratitude,
C.A.M., Inc.
Chairman/CEO --- Al Lane
President --- Verna D. Felton Walker
Secretary/Treasurer --- Gary Stinson
Director of Sports/Recreation --- Garrett Jackson
Director of Fundraising --- Ricky Stinson