Founded in 1921 and incorporated in 1964, the Cameron County Historical Society has played an important role in collecting, maintaining, and disseminating the rich history and heritage of the people of the County. Through out the years the Community has entrusted the Society with their artifacts, memories and family histories. When the Little Museum was in the planning stages, the entire Community responded and was part of the driving force to make it happen. The various groups and organizations of the Community pitched in with the members of the Society and gave us a Museum to be proud of. In the decades since the opening of the Museum, the Society has published several books, held numerous dinners and made sure the Museum continued to be the jewel of the County.
Today, under the leadership of President John Kautz, you will find a vibrant and enthusiastic membership on the verge of taking off on a new chapter for the Society. Since the Fall Dinner Meeting, the Society has grown with over 90 new members (250 total) with a goal of 500 members; published a quarterly newsletter; recreated the 1940 Tour of Emporium video on VHS & DVD and made it available to the Community; adopted the local Genealogy Club which holds monthly meetings; had a new color brochure designed and printed which will help promote the Museum; acquired the contents of Baldo's Shoe Shop with plans to recreate the Shop on the Museum grounds; applied for grant funds to be used to make some needed updates to the Museum; is working with the local High School Shop class to redo the Museum sign in front of the building; will be hosting the entire 3rd Grade at the Museum in order to introduce the children to their Heritage; is working on plans to produce several books; will host several groups at the Museum this summer, part of the plan to have 1000 visitors at the Museum this season; is working with the Pennsylvania Lumber Heritage Association to create a display of Cameron County Lumber Heritage at the Courthouse and to have the Museum be a stop on the Lumber Heritage Trail; has in place a permanent display at the Court House for a revolving display of artifacts from the Museum and has presented displays at the local Library. The Society has requested speakers from the Pennsylvania Humanities Council to give talks on family history and genealogy and has launched this website. The Spring Dinner will host over 100 people, double the numbers in the recent years. It is an exciting time in the Society's history and we invite you to come join us