You are invited to join us in prayer, Bible study, worship, and ministry! We have a place for every member of the family, no matter what the age! Campfield is a body of believers whose focus is that "It's All About Jesus Christ". John 14:6 says that "Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! That no man come to the Father, except by Him!"
We are focused upon growing into a more intimate personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Then, Campfield desires to obedient to Christ's command in Matthew 28:19, that says "Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!"
Campfield is dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, serving Him as we serve others in need. Jesus Christ loves you so much that He gave Himself for you on the cross. He died for all peoples sin. He came back to life on the third day, offering to those who would receive Him, the gift of eternal life. Have you received Him?