We are a unique organization where job seekers and jobholders are part of a community where they can learn, network, and connect with one another. The Career Support Group at St. Gregory the Great (CSGSGG) has been providing valuable career support to anyone in central NJ or the surrounding areas for nearly a decade. We welcome everyone!
Our monthly career support meetings (8:30 am-noon) are open to the public and FREE to participate. CSGSGG meetings are generally held on the third Saturday of the month. Experts provide a presentation followed by an opportunity to network. Guests are strongly encouraged to bring a friend and attend other upcoming monthly meetings. Job seekers, those in or considering a career transition, and recent graduates find our meetings beneficial.
We meet on the third Saturday of the month throughout the year. Our meetings are FREE, non-denominational, and open to the public. They are geared towards professional adults. Career experts provide presentations on a wide range of job search topics and issues and there is an opportunity to network with one another.