To share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all those who are willing to listen and to make the will of God dominate in the lives of all believers. To provide a place of worship and fellowship where all are welcomed and affirmed.
What we Believe:
We believe the Bible contains the inspired, infallible, written Word of God.
We believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God who came into the world to provide a way for all people to be in fellowship with God and that through His shed blood we can all find redemption through believing in and accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives.
We believe in One Holy, Universal, Spiritual, and Christ Centered Church, which is comprised of all those who accept Christ into their lives and hearts regardless of denominational affiliation.
We believe that God does not discriminate, the invitation of Christ was to "Whosoever" and on that invitation to salvation all who accept Him are redeemed and become the Children of God and members of His Church.
We believe in the Sacrament of water baptism of believers as a public and outward expression of an inward spiritual work of the Holy Spitit.
We believe in the celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Communion and that all Christians are welcome and encouraged to participate in that celebration.
Our History
A group of people met for worship on Christmas Eve of 1977, who became the founding members of Cascade Community Church. The incorporation was filed with the state of Ohio in March of 1978. We met at several locations before purchasing our building in 1985, which is our present church home.
We have been active in serving and supporting our community throughout our history. Over the years we have contributed to many organizations such as Akron P-FLAG, Peer Services, North East Ohio Task Force on AIDS, Community AIDS Network, and Violets Cupboard. We hosted the first fund raiser for AIDS in our city and in conjunction with Peer Services paid for the printing and distribution of the first AIDS brochures placed in many local businesses in the Akron/Canton area. We are currently a member of the Akron Pride Center located on Adams Street.
We are an affiliate of and charter member of the Alliance of Christian Churches.