What We Believe | The Cathedral of Light in Farmers Branch, TX
We believe all are created equal in the image and likeness of an all merciful and loving God.
-In that awareness of oneness we extend and example that unconditional love to all.
-We follow the message of the master teacher Jesus and all other teachers who encourage us to know
the "power of the Father within" and example to us how to live daily in love, peace and joy.
-We believe we are all spirit, light energy, as God created us to be.
-Therefore, we believe in life infinite and eternal for all God's children.
Congregants affirm the following at each Sunday Celebration Service:
I believe in a Power that is greater than I am.
A Power that flows to and through me, right here and now.
That loving Presence enfolds and inspires me
And can be used to heal all my doubts and fears.
As the Spirit of God enlightens me,
I know that creative energy in all that I see.