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Cedarville United Methodist Church

1092 Laurelwood Road
(610) 326-4173

Cedarville UMC has three distinct styles of worship to choose from, and all contain the same message.

  • The 8:00am traditional worship service
    This service is a quiet, reflective service with beautiful organ and piano music. It is held in our sanctuary.

  • The 9:30am contemporary worship service
    This service is for those who prefer a very informal style of worship. A Praise Band and Praise Singers are part of the musical offering and leadership for this service which is held in our Family Life Center.

  • The 11:00am traditional worship service
    This service is also held in our sanctuary.  It offers a traditional worship experience enhanced by our Chancel Choir and organ music.

There are also a wide variety of Sunday School classes that are available for all ages:

  • The 9:45am Children's Programs: CedarKidz (for children ages 4 through 2nd grade) and CedarTweenz (for children 3rd -6th grades) - CedarKidz & CedarTweenz start when the children are dismissed from the Contemporary Worship Service to continue learning about God's love and the story of that day in a more hands on approach with crafts, stories, DVD's and a variety of projects.  CedarTweenz dismiss at 10:30 to join the younger children for singing in room 105 until 10:45, when they are picked up by their parents.
  • The 10:45am Youth Sunday School Hour (Grades 7 - 12) - The Youth Sunday School is devoted to the youth of our church in grades 7-12 and delivers the message tailored more to their level.  It incorporates more common issues of today's world and how God works through us to meet those challenges.  Youth are encouraged to attend the 9:30 service to connect with the larger congregation.
  • The 11:15am Children's Program: KidzWorship (for children attending Kindergarten through 6th grade) - This program leads children through Bible stories, prayer, crafts, and fun activities.  It concludes at noon, along with the 11:00 traditional worship service.

Cedarville has an excellent array of musicians enhancing all of our services at various times. These groups include The Cedarville Brass (a brass ensemble), Jubilee Bells (handbell choir), CedarKidz Choir (children's choir), The Chancel Choir (traditional service choir) , Praise Band (contemporary service band), Praise Singers (contemporary service vocal group), and a host of individual soloists on various instruments including beautiful piano and organ music.

If you are in need of nursery care, a paid, screened, staff member is on hand from 9:00am to 12:00 noon to oversee our nursery along with screened volunteers.

If you are new to Cedarville UMC, be sure to help yourself to a “Welcome” Packet available in our lobbies, which will give you an overview of church activities. Our friendly greeters and ushers will also help you find whatever you need.
