The Celebrate America Show (CAS) was first produced in September, 1999, for the purpose of offering a patriotic musical event in conjunction with the Annual Constitution Week Celebration in Logan, Utah. The first Celebrate America Show featured several performers and musicians including local singers, dancers and the Crestmark Orchestra. Since its beginning, Celebrate America has grown and evolved into a professional big band evening with a stirring tribute to the brave men and women of the armed forces. The week-long function is held annually in September at the Utah State University ballroom and features dinner by Award-Winning USU Catering Services, and a nostalgic, patriotic themed floor show featuring the Stardust Singers, Dancers and Ballroom Dancers. Patrons are delighted to find there's a bonus showAFTER a brief intermission, when the band and singers present supper-club entertainment featuring the music Glenn Miller and others big bands of the era including: In The Mood; Sing, Sing, Sing; I've Got A Gal In Kalamazoo; Stardust; Tuxedo Junction and many others.
The Celebrate America Show was founded in the spirit of patriotism and community outreach. Our Mission Statement: "We Celebrate America by providing quality musical entertainment through performing arts that educate, honor the past and inspires the future". Over the last several years, it has expanded beyond the week-long event to also include a Christmas program, an educational outreach program and tour to Sun Valley and other areas. As Celebrate America continues to grow, the dream of its founders continues to evolve into reality. Those who live in our community are proud of this unique organization that has garnered local, state and national acclaim.