Come And See. Explore, Be Nourished And Know God Loves You Deeply
In the heart of downtown Binghamton, Christ Church reaches out to the community via CHOW food pantry, Katie’s Clothing Closet, concerts and green space for all comers. We have a long track record as the oldest church in Binghamton and we continue as a vibrant congregation of all ages, races, and economic levels. We welcome seekers and companions on the journey of faith to the fullness of life. Here you will find others who seek the face of God, who wrestle with living the values of loving God and neighbor in a world which often does not. Here one always is welcome; no one is perfect. We care for one another, for the stranger and honor the dignity of every human being.
At Christ Church you can enter the awe of worship in a place which has been prayed in for centuries. Yes, the majestic, historic building provides beautiful architecture and enhances the worship experience. It is the people from toddlers to nonegenerians – all participating with joy and wonder that makes our worship a special offering of praise and thanksgiving and nourishes us to go out and care for all God’s creation.
Our parish, like most urban congregations, is diverse in as many ways as you can imagine. We revel in the multi-generations at Christ Church. Our greatest growth has been families with school age children, many of whom attend our weekly Sunday School. Baptisms include children whose grandparents were also baptized at Christ Church, as well as youngsters who are newcomers to the Christian faith.
We welcome members old and new who are retired and those who are just starting out in life. Each year sees many weddings and most couples remain in our community.
Here we seek GOD and nurture relationship with us. We grow into the difference God the Trinity makes in our lives, and how we fulfill Jesus’s command to “Love one another as I have loved you.”
We feel truly blessed that our congregation is diverse, and brings a rich variety of life experience. This blessing of diversity affects our prayer life as well as our outreach. People come from all around the county to be part of this community and its worship!