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Chuck Wagon Cookoff Weekend And Competition

Chuck wagons for this one-of-a-kind outdoor cooking event. Long before today's food truck craze treated foodies to impromptu kitchens on wheels, early American chuck wagons fed hungry cowboys on the open prairies during cattle drives. Chuck wagon cooks, or cookies, as they are known, rely on simple ingredients to guide their menus and fire to power their ovens.

Chuck wagon cook-offs aid in the preservation of cattle drive trail days as well as ensuring the authentic reproduction of the mobile kitchens. The competition includes cash prizes for most authentic wagon and awards in various food categories, including meat, potatoes, bread, beans and dessert. All food items must be prepared onsite and using ingredients provided to the cooking teams. Condiments may be used at the cook's discretion. Prohibited ingredients are announced prior to the competition.

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Pigeon Forge invites Western lifestyle enthusiasts, foodies and those in search of a hearty meal to the Chuck Wagon Cookoff weekend. This 3-day event includes an intimate dinner concert, cowboy church and our annual cookoff competition! Chuck…

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