Our Mission :
We are a believing community, professing its faith in God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Through Baptism and the gift of the Holy Spirit, we are joined not only to Christ, the Head of the Body which is His Church, but to all who believe in Him as Lord and Savior. In communion with the Pope, who is the Bishop of Rome, and guided by the pastoral care of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Wilmington, we are called and commissioned:
To be a community of faith living the love poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit;
To proclaim the good news of salvation announced through Jesus Christ and confided to the Church;
To celebrate in liturgy, especially in Eucharist, the saving act of God in Christ;
To strengthen our allegiance to the Gospel and deepen our understanding of it; and finally,
To serve all our brothers and sisters as Jesus taught us.
United by faith, worship, prayer and service, and grateful for God's many gifts, we seek the constant guidance of the Holy Spirit. Continually we reaffirm the mission we have received to announce and promote the presence of God's Kingdom which is already at work in our midst.
The Church, founded by Jesus Christ and subsisting in Roman Catholic communities throughout the world, united with the Bishop of Rome, continues for all time and in every place to advance Jesus Christ's saving mission of leading all men and women back to the Father.