Soon after Amesbury was settled in 1642, the rushing waters of the Powow River were harnessed for mills, and the modest farming community began its ascent into American industrial history. Amesbury, it is believed, was the site of the first American factory to produce machine-made nails. Ship building, followed in the 19th century by textile mills, dominated the settlement's early industry. From 1853 until well into the 1900's, Amesbury carriages, known around the world for their workmanship and style, were the economic heartbeat of the town. The Merrimack Hat Factory at its peak produced more head gear than any of its competitors. And the nation's number one candy was, for a while, Hoyt's Buffalo Brand Peanut Butter Kisses, Amesbury.
In 1996 the people of Amesbury took the bold step of voting to adopt a city form of government. They chose experienced leadership to revitalize the downtown and invigorate the industrial base while preserving its traditional, rural roots and historic charm. See for yourself. Discover Amesbury.