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City Of Arroyo Grande

300 East Branch Street


Arroyo Grande is located on the Central Coast of California, midway between Los Angeles and San Francisco. The City is 5.45 square miles in area at an elevation of 114 feet, with a population of 16,523 (2003).
Fine homes, fine schools, fine antiques, fine wines, and fine people characterize the area. Civic pride creates a sense of community, and public and private partnerships show progress at a comfortable pace.
A perfect climate is one of Arroyo Grande's biggest assets. Fewer than half a dozen nights each winter drop below 32 degrees, and a summer reading over 83 degrees is a rarity.
Tourism and agriculture spur the local economy and provide the impetus for a "feast" of yearly festivals and celebrations, each one showcasing local products, local pastimes, and local businesses. The annual Strawberry Festival features this most famous crop. The Harvest Festival reminds residents of Arroyo Grande's agricultural heritage; a summer car show boasts a display of more than 300 custom and antique vehicles; and Christmas in the Village charms young and old.
