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City Of Bloomer

1503 Main Street


A wealthy merchant, named Bloomer, had selected this place as a desirable location for a mill. In 1848 he brought with him from Galena, Illinois, a force of men and commenced the preliminary work on a dam and mill on the site of the present dam. By the approach of winter, however, Mr. Bloomer thought better of his project and sold the property to H. S. Allen. Mr. Bloomer returned to Galena that same year.
The village of Bloomer was settled in 1855. In that year Sylvester Van Loon selected it as his future home and settled in the northeast quarter of section eight, township thirty, range nine west. The village was located on Duncan Creek, fifteen miles north of Chippewa Falls. It was first known as Vanville, but later, in the year of 1867, it was surveyed and platted and the name was changed to Bloomer. With Mr. Van Loon upon his arrival in 1855, was William Priddy. Soon after arrival they returned to their homes in Sauk County, the settlers came back in September of 1855 with teams and finished the construction of a log house. Then Mr. Van Loon again made his way to Sauk County and returned with his family. He was well supplied with provisions, having with him flour and pork, but late in the fall his stock of hay was destroyed by fire, necessitating the disposal of two yoke of oxen. To feed several heads of cattle and young stock that remained, he was obliged to buy hay at an exorbitant price. The winter following was noted for the remarkable depth of snow and extremely cold weather, making travel almost impossible and dangerous. Deer were plentiful and could not run. It is therefore needless to say venison was daily on the table of the pioneer, who had but to approach one and knock it on the head with a club. Anyone equipped with a pair of snowshoes and a club could kill as many as he desired.

A post office was opened in 1856 and Mr. Van Loon was elected as the first postmaster. He held the office until 1868. The railroad was graded in 1831 and the trains began to run in 1882. The telephone system was introduced in 1901, the electric lights in 1902, and the waterworks in 1907.
The first school originated in a log building in 1887. When the Village was platted a district frame building was erected. This was succeeded in 1876 by a brick building with four departments.

John Wendland and Fred Adler established a brewery in 1875. It burned down in 1883 and again in 1888. Mr. Wendland rebuilt it each time.

In 1860 Messrs. Codrick and Sheldon built a sawmill directly on the dam. In 1863, J. W. Smith purchased Sheldon's interest in the sawmill and in the year following, that of Mr. Codrick. Mr. Smith and Robert Prince formed a partnership in l865. After two years, Mr. Prince retired and Mr. Smith parted with the property to Bradley Phillipo, who sold shares to G. I. Brooks and J. P. Mc Cauley. The partnership was dissolved in 1881. Mr. Mc Cauley received the land and the houses that had been built on it.

In June 1880 the Duncan Creek overflowed its banks and came with great force to Bloomer or Vanville and washed out the dam, saw mill, every bridge in Bloomer, and every bridge from Bloomer to Chippewa Falls. The water was so deep that some of the families had to be taken out of the second story windows into boats. Since this flood there have been others and for this reason the business site of Bloomer was changed.

A gristmill was erected ten rods east of the dam. Mr. Smith owned the gristmill, and Mr. Brooks, the saw and planing mill. The gristmill was destroyed by fire in 1890, and was not rebuilt. In 1876 Mr. Smith erected a steam sawmill, which he sold in 1884 to Messrs. Riggs and Rotch.

John Crisman brought the first team of horses from Baraboo. Oxen were the first animals used to work the land.

The first buildings in Bloomer were built of logs and later frame houses were built. Part of the house that Mrs. Frank German now owns was one of the first frame houses built in Bloomer.

In 1876, C. D. Tillinghast started the first bank, known as the Bank of Bloomer.

Mr. G. L. Jones established the weekly paper in 1880, the paper being called the "The Bloomer Workman." Its name was changed in 1886 to the "Bloomer Advance" and published by H. C. Schultz and W. H. Cook. They sold out to F. A. Wesner, who in return sold it to H. A. Van Dalsen who ran it until January 1890, when E. M. Bowers became its proprietor. He in turn sold it to F. E. Andrews, the present editor. Mr. W. E. Priddy edited the "Advocate" of early times, but which is now defunct.

The Congregational church was organized in 1866. Its first pastor was Rev. H. A. Wentz. It was reorganized in 1868. The United Brethern church was first organized in 1898 and was reorganized and Rev. L. L. Thayer built the present church in 1901. The St. Paul's Catholic Church was built in 1876. A missionary priest from Eagle Point Settlement in 1886 conducted the services. The St John's Lutheran frame church building was erected in 1881. Its first pastor was Rev. George Recknagle.

Andrew Jackson and Walter B. Gage owned the first store in Bloomer. It was built in the spring of 1865. In the following spring, F. R. Steese built another small store. Len Van Eschen and Fred Adler started a partnership in the spring of 1867. This was dissolved in 1868 and Mr. Adler started in the business alone.