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City of Cape Canaveral

100 Polk Ave

We envision: 

A bikeable and walkable Cape Canaveral that retains and enhances its welcoming residential feel, characterized by low-rise buildings. This residential and business friendly atmosphere is a livable, attractive, safe, inclusive and sustainable coastal community that embraces the oceanside and riverside as the main amenities, and supports and promotes local tourism, culture, recreation, commerce, municipal civic interests and education.

We envision:

A City network of “complete streets” with a native-landscaped and tree-lined median with traffic calming elements and dark-sky street lighting. “Complete street” amenities include bicycle facilities, covered transit stops and safe pedestrian crossings that invite pedestrians and bicyclists to access the beach, river, local neighborhoods and adjacent communities. Our improved “complete streets” will allow us to travel calmly to intimate waterfront destinations and a walkable uptown core. Multi-use paths lined with shade trees should be wide enough for bikes and pedestrians and lighted so anyone can walk or bicycle safely anywhere in town, day or night.

We envision:

Welcoming community entrance features that create a sense of arrival and unique community identity as The Space Between. The “uptown” and other areas will contain an architecturally rich and unique mix of uses, with wide tree shaded sidewalks and umbrella covered café tables at restaurants and bistros where friends gather, interact and enjoy drinks and dinner.

We envision:

An engaged and compassionate community that; removes or transforms blighted and unfinished buildings into attractive structures, offers city-wide green spaces, provides a pet-friendly park with ample shade, acts progressively but deliberately and actively recruits and supports businesses that enhance economic viability and serve our residents and visitors with goodwill.

We envision:

Open shorelines and rivers accessible to the public including amenities that take advantage of the water, such as limited and quaint water-view establishments and intimate public gathering and entertainment places that may include pavilions, gazebos or a performance stage.
