About Us :
Cold Bay is located some 40 miles from the western end of the Alaska Peninsula. It is situated on the northwest side of Cold Bay, the water body from which the community derives its name. Cold Bay opens to the Pacific Ocean and is separated from the Bering Sea by a narrow coastal plane and the Izembek lagoon. It lies 634 miles southwest of Anchorage and 180 miles northwest of Unalaska.
The City of Cold Bay was incorporated in 1982 and is mostly non-native. The City is governed by a seven-member city council, one of which is elected as mayor. It provides services such as space for the Health Clinic, Ambulance, Public Library, exercise facility, docking facilities, water, sewer, and waste management for the town.
History :
The surrounding area was utilized extensively by Native Aleutian Communities and later European and Russian explorers and traders for its rich resources of fish and wildlife. During World War II it became the site of a strategic airbase and navy base called Fort Randall and had 20,000 personnel. Fort Randall was developed to defend Kodiak and Dutch Island military bases. At that time it had the longest runway in Alaska at 10,000 feet.