Mission :
On Saturday March 28, 2009 the City Council, the Planning Commission, and staff met for the first of many visioning workshops. This workshop was held for the purpose of creating a clear and concise vision and mission statement for the City of Polk City. While many may view these statements as “feel good” statements, in actuality they serve as the foundation for changes to the City’s Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations.
About Us:
Polk City operates under a Commission-Manager form of Government. This system combines the strong political leadership of elected officials, in the form of a City Commission, with the strong managerial experience of an appointed City Manager.
The City of Polk City like all of America's cities and towns had a humble beginning. During the 1800's farmers began to clear and farm the land. Naturally there was no power supply (other than horse or mule power) and water came from shallow wells which were dug by hand. Going into town was an ordeal as the shops and other stores of the day were far off and travel was on horseback or by buggy. The Town was not even a town, just a grouping of farms.
Things started to change for what would become Polk City when a Mr. Isaac Van Horn was traveling through Polk County during the summer of 1922. Summers being what they are in Florida it was hot and humid. Taking a break to cool off along his trip by what is now known as Lake Agnes he observed the area's natural beauty. The gently rolling hills, the breeze through trees not unfamiliar to this Bostonian all reminded him of his home. It was here that Polk City was conceived in Mr. Van Horn's mind.
Once the town’s debt load was reduced the town began a slow but steady recovery until we find ourselves just past the millennium. The town has grown from its low population level of 203 in 1960 to reach the nearly 2,000 people today living within the city Limits. The population of those living within the 33868 zip code (both City and County residents) is 10,885.
The town of Polk City was changed by ordinance to the City of Polk City in 2005. Today, Polk Cities future looks bright with its continuing expansion and growth in the housing, commercial and industrial markets.
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