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City of Scotts Hill

85 Highway 114 South

Scotts Hill was first settled in the fall of 1825 by Charles Austin, about one and a half miles SW of the present downtown. The first merchant was Micajah Scott, who built his store atop the hill across from the present Methodist Church. The town was named after him by a traveling salesman from Paducah, who lost a $20.00 dollar bill on his last trip through the town and Scott returned it to him on his next trip.

The town was first incorporated in April 1917 with Isiaac Wesley Patterson as Mayor. The town was devastated on May 22, 1917 when one of the worst tornados ever to hit this area destroyed the east end of town. Then on October 16th, a disastrous fire burned all 12 business houses and 5 homes.

The public water system was turned on in 1957 to provide a much needed service.

The first 4 year students graduated in 1929, in that same year the boys basketball team went to the State semi-finals.

The first postmaster was Dr. William H. Brigance in August 1850. The Post Office was located in the Scott Store. The town developed rapidly being on the main stagecoach route between Clifton and Jackson. The Scotts Hill College opened to students in the Fall of 1896 and ran until about 1917.

In 1975, the Sesquicentennial Celebration honoring 150 years of the community was the biggest event ever held in Scotts Hill. Approximately 5,000 people were estimated to be along with parade route