Statham was first known as the Talasee Colony. In this Colony was an Indian Village by the name of Calamit on the Ocoloco Trail, and it was inhabited by the Creek and Cherokee Indians. When the first white settlers came in 1784, they purchased a part of Calamit from the Indian Chief Umausauga for 14 pounds of beads and named it Beadland.
Statham grew from a combination country story and post office owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. M. J. C. Statham. The post office was first known as Barber's Creek, then DeLay, and changed to Statham in 1892.
The building of the railroad through Statham in 1890 and 1891 marked the beginning of Statham and was the changeover point from a place with a few homes into the creation of a town.
Statham was incorporated on December 20, 1892 and received its first Charter. The incorporated area of the town extends one mile in every direction from the Seaboard Depot which is in the center of town. The first depot was built around 1900. Another depot, which is still standing, was built in 1912.
Today Statham is a thriving and growing community of approximately 2,200 citizens. Lifelong residents are being joined by many new families moving into the area.
Statham, being on the National Historic Register, with its lovely old homes and town area, you will find that Statham is a beautiful and friendly city.
We have a place for the old and the new with a good school system, and our goals are to have high quality growth and keep Statham clean and neat with a high standard of living for our people.
Mailing Address: PO Box 28