WE BELIEVE... in the entire teachings of the inspired Word of God as recorded in the Old and New Testament of the Holy Bible. In God's Word we find the remedy for humanities sinful condition through Jesus Christ.
WE BELIEVE... in a Triune God; God the Father; God the Son; God the Holy Spirit. God the Father is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe and our loving Heavenly Father. Jesus, the Christ, is the only Son of God who was sent by the Father to this earth to be born of the virgin Mary; to show us the Father; to suffer and die for humanities sin as the supreme sacrifice; to conquer death by His resurrection; to ascend into heaven and to sit at the right Hand of God, to return to the earth for His Church and set up His eternal Kingdom. The Holy Spirit is the promised Comforter and Counselor Who convicts humankind of sin; convinces them of their need of Christ; indwells the life of the believer and reveals Christ and Truth; gives power for Christian living; baptizes the believer and brings outward manifestations of spiritual gifts and fruit into the life of the believer.
WE BELIEVE... that an individual experiences the forgiveness of sin by belief and confession that Jesus is the Christ (the Messiah, promised by God) and by inviting Jesus to forgive them of sin. At this point the person becomes "born again" and Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, lives within their life, forgiving sins past, present and future. Such an individual has the Triune God within their life and should then follow the command of Christ to be baptized in water by immersion. They should then ask for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and for God to release the fruit and gifts of His Spirit in their life.
WE BELIEVE... that it is God's plan and purpose from the beginning of time for there to be a People who would eventually be the Bride of His Son and rule throughout eternity as joint heirs with Christ. Furthermore, in the New Testament we see the concept of the Body of Christ and how it has a local and worldwide expression. Every born-again person is to be a part of a local expression of leaders in this Body and avail themselves of the celebration of the Lord's Supper; praise and worship; teaching of the Word of God; and fellowship with other brothers and sisters in Christ. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit they will discover their place in that Body and give of themselves to see the Kingdom of God announced faithfully in their community and around the world.
WE BELIEVE... that because of the believers' relationship to God that their values and lifestyle will often be at odds with society. They are to keep in mind constantly that their real citizenship is in heaven and that all earthly dealings and interests are to be governed by eternity's values. The believer must be an example to all of the world of the teachings and lifestyle of Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the love of God.