The Mission of Community United Methodist Church is to praise and worship God as led by the Holy Spirit, to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to minister to the spiritual and physical needs of all God’s people.
After World War II, housing was scarce in Durham and many young couples who were attending Duke University lived in Piedmont Village. Among these students were Mr. & Mrs. Desrosiers. Each Sunday many of the students would go to various churches, the closest being in Creedmoor, NC. However, many of the students and their children did not attend church.
The church was initially organized on April 18, 1948 with fifty members and the first pastor was Spurgeon McCart. Norman Desrosiers was the Choir Director, and Bill Lathan, the Lay Leader. During this same timeframe Rev. McCart and Mr. Desrosiers held services for the patients at the hospital.
The church grew from fifty members to approximately one hundred and seventy members in the early 70’s. The church presently has approximately one hundred and twenty members. During the past several years the church facilities have been renovated and in 2005, the church purchased the property between the sanctuary and the parsonage (approximately 2.5 acres) for future expansion.