Meets the first Wednesday February through December at 6:30 pm in the Constitution Center.
The City of Louisville is now within Constitution Township and surrounded by Nimishillen Township, one of the original townships of Stark County. The City of Louisville originated from Harrisburg, platted in 1827, the oldest settled community in Nimishillen Township.
In 1951, Mrs. Olga T. Weber, a mother and homemaker, fearing that we were taking our freedoms too much for granted, resolved to do something about it. She distributed copies of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, flag booklets, and other patriotic leaflets to the local schools, churches, libraries and to the public in general. She encouraged the first celebration of Constitution Day, September 17, in 1952 and formed a committee for the "preservation of the Constitution." In 1953, State Representative Karl Baurer and Rep. John Lehmann introduced a bill into the Ohio Legislature proclaiming September 17 as Constitution Day. This day was later proclaimed by Governor Frank Lausche. Another bill was introduced into the Congress of the United States and was signed by President Eisenhower in 1955. Historical markers designating Louisville as Constitution Town were placed at the four main entrances to town in 1958.
Today's Constitution Week is full of activities throughout the year including a family festival, a community banquet, a queen's pageant, prayer breakfast and, of course, the parade.