The Conway Sportsman's club was formed in 1913 with the assistance of Game Warden Ruberg at Greenfield. It's influence is expected to protect game from lawless destruction. It is also actively engaged in stocking the streams with large-mouthed bass, pike, perch, and hornput from the state hatcheries have been placed in lake Wequanock. Trout fry and fingerlings have been put into various brooks of this locality. Pheasants have been received from the state game commission and turned loose in the woods. The annual supper of the club is a very popular event when members of the state commission and other speakers of reputation have addressed the club and it's quests.
The officers in 1916 were: President Alexander Sinclair, Secretary & Treasurer A.A. Belair, Directors Edward Atthauser, Allen R. Cook, Edward Graves, Alexander Sinclair, A.A. Belair.
These days the club sponsors youth events, sporting clays shoots, 3D bow shoots, and special events on the club grounds and in the town of Conway. The club maintains a youth scholarship. There is a pheasant raising and release program. Fund raising events include the game supper, gun raffle, and lucky duck race. Club meetings take place the first Thursday evening of the month at 7pm.