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30 McCormick Road
OurMission :
Matthew 20:18-20 says, 'Then Jesus came near and said to them, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
We support the Chandlers, Mark, Beverly, Eli and Lucas, in Church Rock, NM. We commissioned them in June to plant a church to the Navajo nation. They are a NAMB supported church sent out to win native Americans to Christ. Pray for them as they minister the gospel!
Our Vision :
What you see is only the beginning. We have 14 beautiful acres of land on the corner of Mission Road and McCormick Road. Currently we are leasing a mobile chapel from the Georgia Baptist Convention but plan to be in a phase one facility by the middle of 2007 if not sooner. We have a 1/2 mile walking track around 7 acres of open field to encourage our community to walk and enjoy the nature around them. Our plan is to add a playground area near the track so parents can walk while their children play.
We are planning an Upward Soccer program which will be played in the field with the walking track. This is a tremendous program that encourages teamwork and Christian values more than winning. There will be devotions at each practice and a short devotion at each game. Look for this in the near future.
Our phase one building will be located at the entrance to the large field and will eventually be used as a youth/children's building and to support our soccer ministry. It will be a multi-purpose facility to be used for all sorts of community activities. We will make it available to rent for birthday parties and family activities. The main church building will be located on the hill overlooking the property.
Spiritually, we want every person to find their purpose on planet earth. No purpose is greater than the other but a purpose never realized is a life wasted. Our desire is to introduce people to Christ to help them find their initial purpose and that is to be one with their creator. Then disciple them to learn who God is and what His purpose is for their life and then live it for Him!
Our Beliefs:
Cornerstone Fellowship Church believes in community involvement. A church in a community that does not make a difference in the community might as well be a social club. We don't exist just for those inside our walls. We exist to get outside the walls to bring people into a saving knowledge of Christ and then discipled in what that means. Jesus came to give us life, not condemnation and death. He came to set captives free, not bind up the free. Give us a chance to share with you the good news of knowing Christ and allow Him to live His life through you!