"To be a people striving for Christ-like obedience to God's two great commandments through the power of the Holy Spirit and mutual support."
To S.O.W. - To love God and our neighbor through Spiritual growth, Outreach, and Worship.
Spiritual Goals
Establish prayer groups that will meet at least monthly to pray with and for one another.
Increase the number of parishioners attending Bible Study by 50%.
Have 100% of the congregation engaged in daily personal and/or family devotions.
Encourage regular 2-3 family get-togethers for Sunday afternoon lunch/fellowship.
Outreach Goals
Identify and train 3 couples/individuals who will present "Christianity Explored" in their homes to their friends/neighbors.
Establish an ongoing ministry with a nursing home, pregnancy center, or rescue mission.
Worship Goals
Maintain an exalting, Anglican worship service on Sunday mornings that takes visitors and congregational diversity into consideration without forgetting that worship is foremost for God.
Create additional opportunities for worship that can be enjoyed by the congregation and visitors.