About Us:
In 1711, German immigrants began to arrive in great numbers in America. Many of these original settlers were Protestants who held firmly to the Calvinistic doctrines of the Reformation. These “Reformed” Christians eventually founded the German Reformed Church (later known as the Reformed Church in the United States), which became one of the largest denominations in America.
In the 1930’s, theological liberalism led to division in the church, with the majority uniting with a more liberal denomination. The Reformed Church in the United States is, today, composed of that smaller group of churches who have remained faithful to the doctrines of the Reformation. Covenant Reformed Church of Sacramento is a member of this denomination.
We believe that the Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God and that it speaks to every area of life. We restrict usage to the Authorized or “King James” Version because it is a reliable translation of the Received Text.
The Heidelberg Catechism has been the primary doctrinal statement of the Reformed churches since 1563. We accept it solely because it is a faithful summary of Biblical truth concerning our sin, our redemption through Christ as Savior and our duty to obey Him as Lord. Membership in Covenant Reformed Church is open to all who confess Christ as Saviour and seek, by God’s grace, to live in obedience to His infallible Word.