Hours: Sunday – 10:00AM
About Us
Crescent Springs Presbyterian Church officially organized in July 1898. Before we were officially a church, CSPC was a small one-room school house. Now we have more than 100 active members and continue to grow. We celebrated our centennial a few years ago and look forward to more similar celebrations in the future. Our official history is described below.
Crescent Springs Presbyterian Church belongs to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). We trace our Presbyterian history to the 16th century and the Protestant reformer John Calvin. Through a life-long study of the Bible, Calvin rediscovered crucial Christian beliefs such as the sovereignty of God, the authority of scripture, justification by grace through faith, and the priesthood of all believers.
Presbyterians believe that God is the supreme authority throughout the universe and in every area of life. Our salvation through Jesus is God's generous gift to us, and not the result of our own accomplishments. We cannot be saved by our good works, but only by placing our full faith in the grace of Jesus Christ. In thankfulness for God's goodness, all Christians seek to serve Christ both in the church and in the world.
Presbyterians practice a form of government that emphasizes the shared leadership of both ministers and church members. We encourage an environment of open discussion and seek the humility to listen to people of different opinions. We respect our traditions, but we remain open to the continuing guidance of God's Holy Spirit revealing new insights through the Bible.