We affirm that worship is the heart and soul of our life together in Christ.
We celebrate the diversity among us, and we expect our worship to challenge our minds and refresh our spirits.
We lift up as of highest importance the young people of our church.
We pledge to involve them in every aspect of congregational life.
We will use every resource at our disposal to share with them the light of a living faith.
We will invite the unchurched, the indifferent, and the uninvolved people in our midst to share in the joy of responsible church membership.
It is our purpose to welcome and involve people of all ages, tongues and races.
We believe that the highest joy in life is found in meaningful Christian stewardship.
In gratitude for the rich blessings of God in our lives, we pledge our time, talent and money to further the mission of Christ in our church and in our world.
We accept the great commission of Christ to go into all the world to share the good news of God's love. We give thanks for our place in the wider church,
and pledge our generous support for the work of the United Church of Christ at home and abroad.
We treasure the fellowship that binds our hearts in Christian love.
We call upon our creative gifts to offer every opportunity to strengthen the bonds of friendship among us.
We open ourselves to the future, trusting God for the wisdom and guidance we need.
We envision spiritual and numerical growth, and we accept the challenge
to provide adequate resources for a growing church.
To God, who causes old and young alike to dream dreams and to have visions be all glory, power, wisdom and praise for ever and ever! Amen.