Our Vision, Mission and Goals
The Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce's mission is to promote the economic, civic, and social welfare of our members, as well as citizens of the Dayton area and the State of Nevada. Our Chamber is guided by its bylaws, and we use Robert's Rules of Order to conduct our Board meetings:
The following three points are always in order
1. Point of Order: a question about process, or objection and suggestion of alternative process. May include a request for the facilitator to rule on process.
2. Point of Information: a request for information on a specific question, either about process or about the content of a motion. This is not a way to get the floor to say something you think people should know. People misusing points of information in this fashion will be defenestrated, or otherwise sanctioned forcefully.
3. Point of Personal Privilege: a comment addressing a personal need - a direct response to a comment defaming one's character, a plea to open the windows, etc