The Decatur Preservation Alliance's first project was to raise money to help move and stabilize Decatur's historic train depot. Built in 1891 by noted architect E.G. Lind, the depot was in almost continuous use for over 100 years. The depot was the center of Decatur's economy at the turn of the century, and carried many Agnes Scott students almost to the door of their college for many years.
After trains gave way to automobiles and the need for passenger trains diminished, the depot was transformed in the '80's into a popular music club and restaurant. The club, called the "Freight Room," closed its doors in 1999 due to the deteriorating condition of the building, but through negotiations with CSX, the city acquired the building, promising to move it 30 feet from the tracks.
The DPA raised funds through private donations and three popular "Barbecue, Blues & Bluegrass Festivals" to successfully match the Department of Transportation funds allocated to the project. In 2002 the depot finally was moved away from the tracks, and shortly thereafter, with additional funds from the DPA, a new roof was added to the building. In 2003, the DPA successfully raised the funds to restore the 23 original brackets, with many Decatur citizens donating $1,000 each to purchase brackets as memorial or honorary gifts.
This show of community spirit will set an example for generations to come, as the depot is transformed through the efforts of the DPA and the city from lovely but decrepit old building to a true community landmark.