About Us:
From a meeting of twenty-seven sportsmen held in City Hall, January 14, 1915, was formed the Delaware County Game Fish and Forestry Association. This group performed for Delaware County the first semblence of material help for the sportsmen by liberating at their own expense large numbers of rabbits and quail, along with the first English pheasants ever freed in this part of the state.
In order to give the movement a firmer footing and due legal standing, on April 14, 1921, the name was shortened to The Delaware County Sportsmen's Association, and incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania. Since which time the members have looked forward to owning a place which would answer as a meeting place as well as for the propagation of game and fish to replenish the depleted streams and covers here.
Thru hard going they have held to this task until on August 16, 1923, the actual purchase of OUR FARM was made a fact thru the individual effort and subscription of the membership.
This in itself is a feat unparalled in the history of sportsmanship which reflects on the love of fair play and a desire to furnish the future generations with outdoor sport on the part of Delaware County's sportsmen.
So. These acres are dedicated to this high purpose, and the members who have given their labor and their money to this end expect from Delaware County that whole hearted support which will insure a perfect and deserved success.