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Denver School Of Music

5275 Marshall Street., Suite 205

About Denver School of Music
Everyone knows taking lessons can increase a musician's ability and understanding of music exponentially. What most people don't know is that 80% of musicians who don't take lessons or find the right teacher end up quitting after a year! Finding the right teacher and curriculum can be difficult but are absolutely essential in maximizing the effectiveness of the lessons. Denver School of Music's teaching methods have proven to keep students excited while producing paramount results.

All entering students' abilities are assessed to ensure they're placed with students of a comparable skill level. Beyond that, each student is interviewed so we have a thorough understanding of what the student's goals are. From there we customize their individual curriculums to meet their needs and provide an understanding and passion for music that will last a lifetime.

We have a state-of-the-art facility which provides the perfect atmosphere for learning. Each student will be plugging into the gear the pro's use. We also have several on-site digital audio workstations providing full multi-track recording capabilities, and a PA system for full band rehearsals. With these tools, the students will have the opportunity to record and perform, just like their favorite bands.

We're entirely confident you will love the experience we provide at Denver School of Music. If you don't, we will provide an unconditional full refund for your first month of classes. Click here to see what some of our students have said about their experiences at DSoM .

The Denver School of Music is an experience that should not be missed. The school has a lot of plans for the future that no school in Colorado will be able to compete with on any level.

Objectives of Denver School of Music

  -To inspire, motivate, and encourage the pursuit of our musicians' dreams
  -To encourage family involvement, understanding, and support
  -To convey the importance of setting and reaching goals
  -To build self-esteem amongst our musicians
  -To demonstrate the importance of self-discipline in goal achieving
  -To develop the collaborative abilities of our musicians
  -To convey the importance of education, teamwork, meeting time constraints, and performing under pressure
  -To teach on-stage performance techniques which will help maintain focus, composure, and preparation
  -To develop individual and holistic fundamental skills
To explain the psychology of music and the factors which appeal to its audience
  -To develop the ability to transform individual emotion into creative artistic expression
  -To explain the business of the music industry and how to effectively market a band
  -To discourage the use of drugs To develop a strong work ethic in our musicians
  -To encourage strong study habits and the constant pursuit of knowledge
  - To create an empire of closely interlinked musicians and encourage interaction and support of one another
  -To provide additional lessons, instructions, advice, and guidance during the off-season
  -To provide special discounts for attending musicians through numerous participating local music shops
  -To provide a step-by-step education on how to go from the garage to the limelight
  -To provide sponsorship for graduates who have proven their dedication and are ready to play professionally
  -100% high school graduation rate of all attending musicians
  -95% college graduation rate of all attending musicians
